Once your order has shipped, you will receive a shipping notification sent to the email address you provided on your order. You may need to check your Junk Mail folder if you do not receive it, or feel free to reach out to support@swanwicksleep.com if you cannot find it and we'd be happy to resend this to you. For general shipping updates, please see our Shipping Updates page.
When you click on the tracking for your shipment, this will open a tracking window. Please note that carriers can take several days to update the tracking initially.
Domestic (US) shipments
If you chose standard shipping, your order will most likely be shipped with to the destination city by a partner carrier before being handed off to USPS for final-mile delivery. If this is the case, you will also see a USPS tracking number on your tracking page. Once the primary tracking says "Tendered to Delivery Service Provider" or similar, this means it has been handed to USPS for delivery. The tracking should continue to update on the same page, however you can also click on the USPS tracking to continue to track your shipment via USPS.
If your tracking page shows USPS from the beginning, this means the full delivery will be made by USPS and you will not need a secondary tracking number.
If you chose Expedited Shipping, your shipment will stay with the carrier for the entire transit period for door-to-door delivery and there will be no secondary tracking number.
International Shipments
Similar to domestic shipments, international shipments will generally ship with one of our partner carriers, and then be delivered in-country by the local postal service. The tracking should continue to update at this stage, however you may get more up to date tracking by using the secondary tracking number provided, once the tracking shows it has arrived in the destination country. To track the package using a secondary tracking number, click the link to the secondary tracking number, or if there is no link, you'll need to copy the tracking number and paste it into the tracking page of the destination country's local postal carrier. This can usually be found by Googling "[Country Name] post tracking". Aftership may also be able to track your shipment in-country. Please see example below for how this works.
Original tracking page for an international shipment:
Aftership tracking page for the same shipment using secondary tracking number with more detailed tracking information:
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