We know how important having your order shipped as soon as possible. Orders are generally shipped the next business day after being placed, and in some cases the same day if the order is received earlier in the day. We do not ship orders on public holidays or weekends.
For current shipping updates including shipping times, please check our Shipping Updates page.
Domestic (US) Shipments
If you selected Standard Shipping at the check out, most US orders will ship with DHL eCommerce, with handoff to USPS for final mile delivery. This means that while you may receive a DHL eCommerce tracking number, most times your order will be delivered by USPS.
If you selected Expedited Shipping, your order will be shipped using 2-Day shipping via courier. This will usually be UPS but we may utilize other carrier partners, depending on the destination city. As expedited shipping is door-to-door courier delivery, it will not pass through USPS and cannot therefore be delivered to a PO Box.
International Shipments
International orders generally shipped using DHL ecommerce carriers and partners for transit from the US to the destination country. This may involve passage through a transit country before arriving at the destination country. Once the shipment arrives in the destination country, it will be processed by customs before being handed off the local postal service for in-country delivery. There may be a secondary tracking number for the in-country shipment portion of the delivery.
1 comment
I've not received my order but the $ has cleared my bank. I ordered on 1-12-2018
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