While the Night Swannies are primarily designed for wearing after the sun goes down to optimize sleep, many of our customers do use them during the day and you can absolutely do this.
Some blue light exposure during the day is important to help regulate your sleep/wake cycle, among other benefits. Therefore, if you are going to wear the Night Swannies during the day, we recommend taking regular breaks and getting some exposure to natural light without the glasses as well.
We do not recommend you wear Night Swannies first thing in the morning, as this is the time exposure to natural light will help you wake up and start the day.
Day Swannies are suitable for wearing all day, as they allow some of the higher (less harmful) spectrum blue light to enter. This allows your body to register it is daytime and help keep you alert and awake, while protecting your eyes from the most harmful lower part of the blue light spectrum.
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